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Tips to stay healthy throughout the year

Writer's picture: Dtn Samuel AkapoDtn Samuel Akapo

Updated: Feb 27, 2021

There is always a rush and excitement that comes with every new year, and this year has not failed in coming with its own.

However, beyond the new year's celebration is the life that has to be lived in the new year.

Hence, we all need to know how to work and walk in the year smartly and healthily.

I have found a couple of tips for you, and I would love to share them here.

1. Decide to "want to"

The first step to becoming anything is first deciding to "want to". Deciding to "want to be healthy" should come as a personal decision, one that may come from you knowing that you can be better than your current health state, or from the confrontation by a lifestyle disease, or even family history. Nothing can stop a person that is willing.

2. Seek knowledge and understand it

Most things you may need to know is most likely already known by someone. The same is there about your health. Check out scientific and evidence-based reviews and websites, attend webinars, join support groups and desire to know.

Yes, I must say at this point that many false publications or hoax are out here on the media spaces and internet. But look out for health professionals' websites and not just any random blogs or page. Everything you might want to follow should be sustainable.

3. Go plant-based

Speaking on sustainability, the only healthy lifestyle factor that is most sustainable is the plant-based lifestyle. This includes eating whole plant-based foods. Everything made from a living plant, not those things made in production plants.

The management and even reversal of diseases in order to restore health are evidentially seen in plant foods. No other forms of foods have made this landmark achievement.

Lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, hypertension, arthritis, stroke, etc have experienced a rollback when they are faced with whole plant foods.

Plant foods

Many diabetics and hypertensive for example recorded a restoration and normalcy when they were placed on plant foods, cutting out all animal foods and their products from their plates. The nutrient density in them is responsible for this great effect.

Plants are rich sources of phytochemicals, minerals, and vitamins which are supportive in restoring and strengthening immune functions and increase defence against the onset of diseases and their existing effects. Of course, early detection is key, but living on a plant-based diet is a smarter and better way to stay healthy and strong.

They also contain all other food nutrients in their natural and complete forms which also contribute immensely to the overall strength, energy supply, and other body repairs. Fibre which is a very important nutrient that helps to reverse obesity, prevent heart diseases, reverse constipation, prevent hypertension, stroke etc., can only be found in whole plant foods.

Failure to have whole plant foods in legumes (beans, peas), green vegetables, whole grains and cereals (oats, brown rice, corn, wheat, barley, buckwheat, pasta, etc.), fruits, nuts and seeds (flaxseeds, almonds, groundnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.) will put you at risk of a number of health complications.

I promise you that eating more plant-based food will be one of the best decisions you will be making this year.

4. Cut excessive refined sugars, salt and oil uses

For many many years, humans have been suffering from the sting of hypertension, heart diseases and other forms of diseases which has led to many deaths and casualties. In my findings and study, I have realised that the many problems we face are from the three musketeers; sugars, salt and oils.

No, they are not exactly so bad, but their indiscriminate or excessive usages have placed us all in the dangers of health challenges.

The food production company, for example, has always employed the use of injecting salt solutions into animal foods to increase their weight and make a profit. One that will leave the consumers ingesting excess sodium in salt and present with hypertension and other diseases after a time.

Also, our repacked foods have taken such route. They preserve with salt and sugars amongst other solutions. The likes of your biscuits, chips, instant noodles and other ready to eat foods are also on this table.

So, the salt production companies are not the killers, but the processed food industries which pump loads of them into the food packaging.

The fats used in cooking also play key roles. Use only a reduced amount of unsaturated fatty acids. avoid saturated and trans fats as much as possible as they are responsible for blocking blood vessels and causing hypertension, heart diseases, angina, stroke, etc. They are also being deposited in cells causing obesity, diabetes, fatty liver, etc.

5. Exercise

Engage in some sport or some deliberate physical exercise at least three times a week. try not to overdo it except you plan to go into bodybuilding. Thirty minutes each day also is just fine. The time of the day is of less significance, you can work out either in the morning or evening depending on your schedule. The important thing is to actively move your body and get your body vibrations up.

6. Get support and accountability partners

Talk to your family and friends about your health resolutions and ask them to support you by cheering you on, not distract you Well, I will recommend that the entire family should be up and doing with their health too.

It is always easier if the family has a common goal. And if it is taking time for a member to join the healthy lifestyle, your achievements will convince them, because you will have positive results.

Associate more with people who also care for their health and make such people your friends. You do not want to always roll with people who never prioritise their health, foodwise.

7. Schedule routine check-up.

Always find time to always go on a routine health check in n hospital or a clinic around you. Do a quarterly check or go twice in a year. Get your test results analysed by a medical professional and practitioner.

Talk to a dietitian, book sessions with them and let them guide you through your nutrition and health journey.

8. Avoid energy and time wasters and be consistent

Multitasking is the first energy waster I will be mentioning, You wouldn't know but they really could be so much of a time and energy wasters, doing multiple things and achieving less or being less productive.

Try to do one thing at a time, focus on it until completion before moving to another task. This will help you save your time, strength, and resources.

You might have never been a fan of the television, but the social media these days are fast occupying our attention beyond the traditional mainstream media. So, get cautious, set a time for your social media engagement and return to your day's task if uncompleted.

9. Get some good sleep and break

It is important I mentioned that you also have adequate sleep time here too. you need to sleep adequately each day. Sleep has been seen to be a therapy that heals you faster than any medication. Your body heals itself when given the right conditions_ healthy food and rest

Also, schedule break sessions in between your works, it relaxes your mind and replaces focus. Never burn yourself out.


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