High blood pressure is declared when the consistent force by which the flowing blood hits against your artery wall is repeatedly high all through the day. It is safe to safe that high blood pressure is a blood pressure reading higher than normal. This event can lead to serious health complications if not managed or corrected early enough.

As the day goes and based on our activities and inactivities, our blood pressure tends to change. So measuring blood pressure immediately after a run or high-intensity activity may be misleading because the blood pressure will definitely be high at that time. So, to measure the blood pressure, you should be relaxed and not after you have just completed any strenuous physical activity.
There is no doubt that salt (major sodium source in foods), saturated fats, and animal foods are the major causes of hypertension. Potassium is an electrolyte that interacts with sodium to carry out several body functions daily. When there is a situation of high blood pressure or hypertension, certain foods will help restore the blood pressure along the arteries to normal. Potassium-rich foods are one of such. This will again guarantee health. Some of these foods are;
1. Turmeric
Turmeric is known for its power component, curcumin. This compound in turmeric is seen to be multi-functional and it places the root as one of the most important roots. Having turmeric in teas and adding them to meals in substantial amounts has been studied to normalise high blood pressure.
You can engage the powdered form or whole turmeric root for this beneficial use.
2. Oats
Oats are a superfood highly recognised for their high fibre, and other nutrients including carbohydrates and proteins. Oats supply major nutrients to the body which also helps to balance out the electrolytes in the body and ease the pressure at which the blood moves along the arteries. Oats are a safe and healthy food for anyone with hypertension. You can enjoy it with banana and berries as a topping.
3. Banana
Banana quickly came to the limelight for its simplicity, yet rich properties. It is one of the foods that were earlier numbered as the top potassium-rich. Banana is a fruit and can be eaten in all seasons. A 118 g size banana contains 422 mg of potassium, one medium (100 g) banana contains 358 mg of potassium. Having to eat bananas alone or in a fruit bowl or even as a part of a smoothie mix is very efficient in helping to balance electrolytes in the body, thereby normalising blood pressure.
4. Garlic
Garlic possesses a great blood pressure-lowering ability which in a short time after consumption shows a huge impact. Researches have put both the whole garlic use and supplement forms to the test, yet the whole natural garlic appears to show more positive results at reducing high blood pressure and improving overall heart health. Depending on your preference, you can choose to have it raw, in your soups, or its extract.
5. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes surprisingly possess a very good amount of potassium and some other important nutrients in them. Potatoes are root vegetables that are also rich in complex carbohydrates, vitamins C, B6, beta-carotene and fibre. They can be enjoyed baked or steamed. It is mostly recommended to be cooked in its skin to prevent nutrient loss and improve nutrients availability. Cooking large potatoes in its skin provides over 820 mg of potassium.
6. Brown rice
Brown rice is the more fibre and nutrient-rich version of white rice. They contain many of the natural vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids that are obtainable in rice.`They contain compounds that also influence the smooth muscle cells such as the arterial walls and ensure a free passage of blood through them. Rice is a very common staple, just endeavour to make the switch from a polished white variety to the unpolished brown rice.
7, Beans
Beans are a superfood and a major protein source in the plant kingdom. Beans in all of their variety have stood out in influencing the development of hypertension in humans. People who eat beans every day or every other day have very little chance of developing hypertension. Navy beans, broad beans, fava beans, pinto beans, white beans, kidney beans, etc., are rich sources of magnesium, potassium and soluble fibre which reduces your risk of developing or reverse hypertension and also improve your overall heart health.
8. Hibiscus
Hibiscus teas are very popular for how versatile they can be. Served hot during winters or cold during summers or as desired anytime. They make a great tea option due to their high antioxidant content. The antioxidants in the hibiscus when taken in triggers an improved blood flow in the arteries. Having two to four cups of hibiscus teas daily provides a chunk of these antioxidants.
9. Lentils/dal
They are special for their high soluble fibre content and nutrient quality which also influences the drop of high blood pressure. Lentils are rich sources of protein and essential fats which supports the balancing of electrolytes and restore ideal blood pressure. Lentils are used in various forms in cuisines that still exalts their effects on our health.
10. Avocado
Avocados are a fruit known for their rich nutrients and potential. They are known for their high unsaturated fats, protein, fibre and other micronutrients. Studies have shown how they have been successfully used to correct hypercholesterols in patients. This could be directly linked to the effect of unsaturated fats and fibre in it. This also lowers the risk of high blood pressure. Half-cut of an avocado contains 535 mg of potassium. Avocado is definitely one of the best potassium-rich foods to have in your salads or as a spread.
11. Spinach
Green vegetables are a primary source of vitamins and minerals which makes them packed with nutrients for wellness. Eating vegetables improves blood flow. Adding green vegetables to your meals increases your potassium levels. Having steamed spinach makes potassium more readily available. A cup of steamed spinach will provide up to 840 mg which makes up about 15% of the daily recommended intake. Having it raw will provide up to 200 mg per cup.
12. Beetroots
Beetroots are a unique vegetable that has risen to the limelight for their rich iron and fibre content. They support life and wellness with the array of nutrients packed in them. Nitrates are a major nutrient present in both beets and beetroots. Nitrates are converted to Nitric oxides in the body which is operational in causing the arterial muscles to relax and allow for more flow along the path. This is a rare function of nitric oxide, and they are very much available in beetroots through its nitrates.
13. soybeans
Soybeans are also known as edamame in frozen form. They are rich in phosphorus, isoflavones and magnesium which support the balancing of blood pressure. They are rich in protein and other nutrients which also work together to ensure rapid restoration of the ideal blood pressure. They also impact heart health and improve overall wellness.
14. Oranges
Oranges are a rich source of antioxidants like vitamin C that are expressly seen to reduce the risk of the harmful damage that could be done by high blood pressure. It actually reduces the risk of having high blood pressure in the actual sense. Three to four servings of oranges will translate to 3-4 pieces, are just fine for consumption daily. A wholesome benefit is also what orange consumption offers to the body.